Palmerston North Intermediate
- 学校区域:马纳瓦图/旺加努伊
- 学校类型:中学(Year 7-8)
- 政府评分:
- 现任校长:Hamish Ruawai
- 学校性质:国立学校
- 住宿设施:No
- 语言环境:All students in English Medium
- 学校地址:56 Linton Street, Palmerston North
- 学校电话:06-3580548
- 学校传真:06-3593461
- 是否招国际学生:
- 0
- 学校人数:
Identical information is available for the school’s Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako through the Communities of Learning page: Palmerston North City & Rural Schools Community of Learning One. This school belongs to more than one Community of learning | Kāhui Ako, go to profile and contacts page and follow the links to see information for other Communities of learning | Kāhui Ako.
年级 | 性别 | 毛利 | 岛裔 | 亚裔 | 其他 | 欧裔 | 国际生 | 共计 |
Year 07 | 女 | 24 | 12 | 20 | 10 | 111 | 0 | 177 |
Year 07 | 男 | 37 | 6 | 16 | 4 | 105 | 0 | 168 |
Year 07 | 共计 | 61 | 18 | 36 | 14 | 216 | 0 | 345 |
Year 08 | 女 | 31 | 1 | 32 | 7 | 99 | 0 | 170 |
Year 08 | 男 | 31 | 6 | 23 | 8 | 116 | 3 | 187 |
Year 08 | 共计 | 62 | 7 | 55 | 15 | 215 | 3 | 357 |
共计 | 女 | 55 | 13 | 52 | 17 | 210 | 0 | 347 |
共计 | 男 | 68 | 12 | 39 | 12 | 221 | 3 | 355 |
共计 | 共计 | 123 | 25 | 91 | 29 | 431 | 3 | 702 |
= 推荐新西兰中小学 =
= 新西兰小学申请问题集 =
上一所学校:Palmerston North Girls' High School
下一所学校:Palmerston School