Browns Bay School

Browns Bay School布朗斯湾小学

    学校类型:小学(Year 1-6)
    现任校长:Peter Mulcahy 
    语言环境:All students in English Medium
    学校地址:Masterton Road, Auckland
    是否招国际学生: 招生国际学生

    Browns Bay School布朗斯湾小学成立于1888年,建校以来不断的为学生提供高标准的教育和最佳的学习环境和机会,以挖掘学生的最大潜力,并在如何培养学生的终身学习能力领域里不断的创新和发展。学校以鼓励与卓越,促进与合作的教学理念,不断的为学生实现他们的最终梦想。学校认为教育是一种长期的伙伴关系,是家庭和学校一同为孩子的最大利益共同努力的结果。

    Browns Bay School布朗斯湾小学位于奥克兰北岸的布朗斯湾区域,距离镇中心仅有几分钟的步行路程。学校很容易通过公共汽车抵达。并且可以在短短的步行距离里抵达两个海滩和布朗斯湾娱乐中心。布朗斯湾也是一个私立语言学校和其他私人辅导和学习设施。

    欢迎来到Browns Bay小学。 无论你是在这学习几个学期,一年或更长时间,都希望你在Browns Bay小学能度过愉快的时光。


    你会发现本地的孩子友好而外向。 如果您需要帮助,请询问他们,他们将很乐意为您提供帮助。

    如果你需要任何帮助,找人聊天或者是想来和我打声招呼,请来ESOL教室。 我关心所有的国际学生,同时,我在ESOL小组任教。

    Have a wonderful stay at our school.

    Mrs Cebalo
    ESOL teacher.



    Hats – From “Labour Weekend”, at the end of October, until Easter you must wear a hat when outside at school. This includes playtime, lunchtime, and when doing sport and P.E.
    帽子 - 从10月底的劳动节周末到复活节,你必须在在校期间戴帽子。这包括游戏时间,午餐时间,以及做运动和体育时的任何户外时间。

    Lunches – Most Kiwi kids bring their lunch and morning tea in a lunch box from home most days. You will eat lunch outside with the rest of your class on fine days, and inside your classroom if it is raining.
    午餐 - 大多数新西兰孩子通常都会从家里带上午餐和早茶到学校。在晴朗的日子里,你和其他人一起在教室外吃午餐,如果下雨,你会在教室里吃午餐。

    The lunch room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays if you wish to buy your lunch or morning tea. Your teacher will give you a
    lunch room menu so you will know what foods are available and how much they cost.

    To buy morning tea you must go over to the lunch room at the hall at morning tea time and pay for what you want there.

    Sporting and Cultural - If you are interested in playing in a school sports team or joining the school choir then let me or your class teacher know and we will tell you who to talk to.
    体育和文化 - 如果您有兴趣参加学校体育团队或加入学校合唱团,那么让我或您的班级老师知道,我们会告诉您与谁沟通。

    We have school teams for Netball, Basketball, Miniball (Junior Basketball), Hockey and Flippaball (Water Polo). Older students can also qualify to represent the school in the Inter-School Sports competitions including Athletics, Rippa Rugby, Touch Rugby, Netball and Cross-Country Run.

    Older students can join our School Choir, and every even year (2018, 2020 etc) we have a school production which includes singing, dancing and drama roles. We also have the Music Education Centre here on Thursdays – parents can pay for their children to have piano or guitar lessons with the MEC during school time on Thursdays.
    年龄较大的学生可以加入我们的学校合唱团。学生也有机会参与每隔一年的(2018年,2020年等)学校话剧演出,包括歌唱,舞蹈和戏剧等角色。每周四还有音乐教育中心在校内开设的各种乐器课 - 家长们可以自己支付费用,利用周四的在校时间为孩子们选学钢琴或吉他课程。

    Year 5 and 6 students could also join the school Kapa Haka (Maori Cultural Performance) group. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to learn more about Maori culture.
    5年级和6年级的学生也可以加入学校Kapa Haka(毛利文化表演)小组。 这是一个很有趣,同时了解毛利文化的好机会。

    We have a lunchtime Chess Club which all ages can join, a Technology Club and a Coding Club.
    我们有一个午餐时间的国际象棋俱乐部,所有年龄段的人都可以参加。 同时还有计算机技术俱乐部和编程俱乐部。

    ESOL – In your first week or two at school I will assess your English so that I can place you in an ESOL group. You will have 2 or 3 ESOL sessions per week in class time, with a small group of students who are at a similar level to you. I take the Year 1,2,5,6 ESOL groups, and Mrs McMillan teaches the Year 3 and 4 groups.
    We are very lucky at Browns Bay School to have four bilingual Teacher Aides. They also take ESOL groups or they might work individually with you.
    The Bilingual ESOL Teacher Aides are:
    Cecilia Chen (Mandarin)
    Gemma Lee (Korean)
    Annie Wang (Mandarin and Japanese)
    ESOL - 在学校的第一周或第二周,我将评估学生的英语程度,以便我可以将学生安排到ESOL小组。 孩子将在在校期间,与英语程度相似的孩子分为一组,每周参加2或3次ESOL课程。 我教授一,二,五和六年级ESOL学生,McMillan女士教授3年级和4年级组。
    我们非常幸运有三名双语助教。 他们也会参加ESOL小组,或者他们可能会与学生一对一授课。 双语ESOL教师助理是:
    Cecilia Chen(普通话)
    Gemma Lee(韩语)
    Annie Wang(普通话和日语)

    The ESOL sessions are 30 minutes long and include speaking, listening, writing and reading. We also learn about vocabulary and grammar. Bring your parents in to look at your ESOL work whenever you want, and encourage them to look at your classroom work too.
    每次ESOL课程长达30分钟,包括口语,听力,写作和阅读。 我们还学习词汇和语法。 希望父母随时来ESOL参观,并查看学生的课堂作业了解情况。
    Uniform – All students must wear the school uniform at Browns Bay School. As an International Student some items of uniform have been included in your fees. The number of items depends on how long you are studying with us. You can try on the uniform items at the school office, then I will order them online from the website. If you need any other uniform items, your parents can order and pay for them online. Heidi at the office can give you an order form with the details for ordering and paying for the uniform.
    校服 - 所有学生必须在在校期间穿着本校校服。 作为一名国际学生,学费中包括购买部分校服的费用,数量取决于入学时间的长短。 你可以在学校办公室试穿校服,然后负责国际生事务的Cebalo女士会在网上订购。 如果学生需要任何其他统一物品,父母可以在线订购并付
    款。 办公室的Heidi可以为您提供订购表格,其中包含订购和支付校服的详细信息。

    年级 性别 毛利 岛裔 亚裔 其他 欧裔 国际生 共计
    Year 01 2 1 18 5 17 1 44
    Year 01 1 0 21 4 17 2 45
    Year 01 共计 3 1 39 9 34 3 89
    Year 02 0 1 15 5 24 1 46
    Year 02 3 3 18 6 25 3 58
    Year 02 共计 3 4 33 11 49 4 104
    Year 03 4 1 11 6 30 1 53
    Year 03 5 0 13 0 28 0 46
    Year 03 共计 9 1 24 6 58 1 99
    Year 04 2 2 12 4 30 5 55
    Year 04 4 2 13 2 34 2 57
    Year 04 共计 6 4 25 6 64 7 112
    Year 05 1 1 13 3 37 0 55
    Year 05 2 2 15 3 33 3 58
    Year 05 共计 3 3 28 6 70 3 113
    Year 06+ 6 2 10 8 41 1 68
    Year 06+ 4 0 9 6 41 4 64
    Year 06+ 共计 10 2 19 14 82 5 132
    共计 15 8 79 31 179 9 321
    共计 19 7 89 21 178 14 328
    共计 共计 34 15 168 52 357 23 649


= 推荐新西兰中小学 =

  • Villa Maria College坎特伯雷/基督城国立综合
  • Tahuna Normal Intermediate奥塔哥/达尼丁国立学校
  • St Paul's Collegiate (Hamilton)怀卡托/汉密尔顿私立学校
  • Tamahere Model Country School怀卡托/汉密尔顿国立学校
  • Waikato Diocesan School For Girls怀卡托/汉密尔顿国立综合
  • St Patrick's College (Kilbirnie)惠灵顿国立综合
  • Whanganui High School马纳瓦图/旺加努伊国立学校
  • Woodford House霍克湾国立综合

= 新西兰小学申请问题集 =

上一所学校:Broomfield School

下一所学校:Bruce McLaren Intermediate

