Tamaki College

    学校类型:高中(Year 9-15)
    现任校长:Soana Pamaka 
    语言环境:All students in English Medium
    学校地址:Elstree Avenue, Auckland
    是否招国际学生: 不招生国际学生

    Identical information is available for the school’s Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako through the Communities of Learning page: Manaiakalani Community of Learning.

    Rolls by funding year level, gender, and ethnic group, as at 1 July 2017
    年级 性别 毛利 岛裔 亚裔 其他 欧裔 国际生 共计
    Year 09 18 44 0 0 0 0 62
    Year 09 28 44 0 1 2 0 75
    Year 09 共计 46 88 0 1 2 0 137
    Year 10 30 44 0 0 0 0 74
    Year 10 21 41 1 0 0 0 63
    Year 10 共计 51 85 1 0 0 0 137
    Year 11 21 44 0 0 0 0 65
    Year 11 23 33 0 1 1 0 58
    Year 11 共计 44 77 0 1 1 0 123
    Year 12 11 40 2 0 0 0 53
    Year 12 18 35 1 1 1 2 58
    Year 12 共计 29 75 3 1 1 2 111
    Year 13+ 7 30 1 1 1 0 40
    Year 13+ 7 35 1 0 1 0 44
    Year 13+ 共计 14 65 2 1 2 0 84
    共计 87 202 3 1 1 0 294
    共计 97 188 3 3 5 2 298
    共计 共计 184 390 6 4 6 2 592


= 推荐新西兰中小学 =

  • Villa Maria College坎特伯雷/基督城国立综合
  • Tahuna Normal Intermediate奥塔哥/达尼丁国立学校
  • St Paul's Collegiate (Hamilton)怀卡托/汉密尔顿私立学校
  • Tamahere Model Country School怀卡托/汉密尔顿国立学校
  • Waikato Diocesan School For Girls怀卡托/汉密尔顿国立综合
  • St Patrick's College (Kilbirnie)惠灵顿国立综合
  • Whanganui High School马纳瓦图/旺加努伊国立学校
  • Woodford House霍克湾国立综合

= 新西兰小学申请问题集 =

上一所学校:Tamahere Model Country School

下一所学校:Tamaki School

